Country versions without barriers

March 17, 2021

Learning or speaking another language opens up a whole new world. In an increasingly international environment, it is not uncommon nowadays for employees from different countries to work in one company and to use their individual strengths. Several locations abroad likewise require corresponding country rights, which must meet the respective legal requirements. With the software from eGECKO, the implementation is conceivably simple and scalable.

Data storage and cloud access

March 15, 2021

Consulting Härtelt GmbH offers variously scalable services for customers. The broad field of services offered also includes technical support in a jointly coordinated environment if required. The fire in Europe's largest data center shows once again that the unconditional path to the cloud is not the panacea.

We support the Palais Summer 2021

March 3, 2021

Art, culture and sports have always been important anchors in life, which are being neglected in the current climate. It has been scientifically proven that the associated positive physical, mental and social effects are essential for many people. This year, we are supporting the Palais Sommer to ensure that all sections of the population have free access to an appropriate range of activities in Dresden.